Motor tours

The capital of fancy, fast, expensive, Italian design cars.

There is definitely no areas around the world coming with such a high, concentrated number of sport cars and bikes manufacturers as the one between Modena and Bologna: this little corner of the world is indeed the capital of fancy, fast, expensive, Italian design cars.

Ferrari, Lamborghini, Ducati, Maserati, Pagani.

This is where Italian dream really comes at its best. They are not cars and bikes. Challenging time and speed, they are some of the most sought-after objects of desire all over the world. Works of art, some would even argue. They are miracles of design and bold engineering, coming with design, style, efficiency and reliability.

Enzo Ferrari used to say “if you’re gonna be asking a child to be drawing a car, he most certainly will make it red”. That’s how imposing Italian cars have become.

Sport cars tour: car frenzy!

From the outskirts of Bologna, where Ducati headquarters are located, up to Maranello and St. Agata towns, where Ferrari and Lamborghini headquarters are based into, this tour aims to be discovering speed, design and some of the best known Italian status symbols all over the world. Stops will be [...]

September 13th, 2018|
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